Throughout the United States there are thousands of accident caused by drunk driving. If you have been injured in a drinking and driving accident and are seeking compensation for your injuries, you may qualify for drunk driving pre-settlement funding prior to your case reaching a settlement. LawLeaf works with those lawsuit funding company's that provide pre settlement funding to victims in alcohol related accidents.
A DUI, DWI, OMVI & OVI are all terms related to drinking and driving. If you have been involved in an alcohol or drug related car accident you can seek personal injury compensation for your accident. The compensation you seek for such an accident may include money for expenses, pain and suffering and damages to your vehicle.
The National Traffic Safety Administration estimates there are car accidents every 10 seconds in the United States. Each year there hundreds of people are injured and killed due to alcohol related accidents. In 2006, an estimated 17,000+ people died in alcohol-related traffic accidents according to MADD. On average someone is killed in alcohol related accidents every 39 minutes.
If you have been injured due to a drunk driver we may receive compensation for your injures. You may also qualify for pre settlement funding prior to your case reaching settlement. Our clients come to us to help them secure pre settlement lawsuit funding to help pay for increasing bills and expenses while waiting for their case to settle. By securing a pre settlement funding through our lenders you will be in a better position to continue litigating your case, without having to settle for less compensation that you are rightfully owed. Pre settlement funding can ultimately help your attorney fight for fair compensation without having to settle your case prematurely.
LawLeaf along with our network of lawsuit funding lenders help victims in drunk driving accidents secure pre settlement funding prior to a case reaching a settlement. We understand that these cases can take months or even years before a settlement is reached and for some people that is much to long. Although insurance companies may offer immediate settlements oftentimes their settlements are less than the overall expenses related to the accident.
For additional information regarding car accident lawsuit funding visit LawLeaf today.