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Below is a recent recall from CPSC. The recall is for a potential hazard for a variety of different reasons. ATV accidents account for thousands of personal injury accidents each year.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs | Washington, DC 20207 |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 17, 2008 Release #08-333 | SunL’s Recall Hotline: (866) 355-0497 CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772 CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
SunL Group Inc. Recalls Youth ATVs Due To Safety Defects
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: SLA90 Youth All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
Units: About 144
Distributor: SunL Group Inc., of Irving, Texas
Hazard: The youth ATV lacks front brakes, a manual fuel shut-off, and padding to cover the sharp edges on the handlebar assembly. Additionally, the vehicle is sold without a tire pressure gauge or adequate flag pole bracket. The defects could lead to young drivers losing control of the ATVs, which poses the risk of serious injuries or death.
Incidents/Injuries: None.
Description: The recalled SLA90 ATVs are intended for children between the ages of 12 and 15 years old. The recalled SLA90 ATVs were available in the following solid colors: red, blue, yellow, green. The ATVs were available in the following camo colors: pink, brown, green, and blue. The word “Sunl” is on the front side of the ATV. The recalled units have one of the following Vehicle Identification Numbers:
TT05035366 | TT05035376 | TT05035386 | TT05035396 | TT05035406 | TT05035416 | TT05035426 | TT05035436 | TT05035446 |
TT05035367 | TT05035377 | TT05035387 | TT05035397 | TT05035407 | TT05035417 | TT05035427 | TT05035437 | TT05035447 |
TT05035368 | TT05035378 | TT05035388 | TT05035398 | TT05035408 | TT05035418 | TT05035428 | TT05035438 | TT05035448 |
TT05035369 | TT05035379 | TT05035389 | TT05035399 | TT05035409 | TT05035419 | TT05035429 | TT05035439 | TT05035449 |
TT05035370 | TT05035380 | TT05035390 | TT05035400 | TT05035410 | TT05035420 | TT05035430 | TT05035440 | TT05035450 |
TT05035371 | TT05035381 | TT05035391 | TT05035401 | TT05035411 | TT05035421 | TT05035431 | TT05035441 | TT05035451 |
TT05035372 | TT05035382 | TT05035392 | TT05035402 | TT05035412 | TT05035422 | TT05035432 | TT05035442 | TT05035452 |
TT05035373 | TT05035383 | TT05035393 | TT05035403 | TT05035413 | TT05035423 | TT05035433 | TT05035443 | TT05035453 |
TT05035374 | TT05035384 | TT05035394 | TT05035404 | TT05035414 | TT05035424 | TT05035434 | TT05035444 | TT05035454 |
TT05035375 | TT05035385 | TT05035395 | TT05035405 | TT05035415 | TT05035425 | TT05035435 | TT05035445 | TT05035455 |
TT05035456 | TT05035463 | TT05035470 | TT05035477 | TT05035484 | TT05035491 | TT05035498 | TT05035505 |
TT05035457 | TT05035464 | TT05035471 | TT05035478 | TT05035485 | TT05035492 | TT05035499 | TT05035506 |
TT05035458 | TT05035465 | TT05035472 | TT05035479 | TT05035486 | TT05035493 | TT05035500 | TT05035507 |
TT05035459 | TT05035466 | TT05035473 | TT05035480 | TT05035487 | TT05035494 | TT05035501 | TT05035508 |
TT05035460 | TT05035467 | TT05035474 | TT05035481 | TT05035488 | TT05035495 | TT05035502 | TT05035509 |
TT05035461 | TT05035468 | TT05035475 | TT05035482 | TT05035489 | TT05035496 | TT05035503 |
TT05035462 | TT05035469 | TT05035476 | TT05035483 | TT05035490 | TT05035497 | TT05035504 |
Sold through: SunL Group dealers nationwide and Web retailers from May 2005 through March 2007 for between $400 and $500.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using these ATVs and contact SunL Group for instructions on how to receive a full refund.
Consumer Contact: Consumers can contact SunL Group toll-free at (866) 355-0497 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. CT Monday through Friday, or visit the firm’s web site